Plant Tecoma Esperanza in Your Garden! Vivero Growers May 20, 2017

Plant Tecoma Esperanza in Your Garden!

Tecoma Esperanza Bells of Fire
Tecoma 'Bells of Fire'

Tecoma ‘Bells of Fire’

Looking for ideas on what to plant in your garden?  Plant Esperanza in your garden!

 It is a wonderful option for just about any sized garden or landscape.  It comes in a variety of colors and sizes to suit your needs and plans.  Esperanza, also commonly referred to as Yellow Bells, is a Tecoma.  A popular due to its bright yellow blooms, hence the name Yellow Bells.  A smaller more dwarf variety, ‘Lydia’, has more muted yellow blooms and gets about 4 feet by 4 feet.  The ‘Bells of Fire’, which as the name suggests, has red blooms that look like bells of fire.



 The Yellow Bells Tecoma can get rather large but is also easy to keep smaller if maintained and pruned.  The Esperanza prefer full sun to half a day sun and once established require little water.  The Yellow Bells can reach heights of 8 feet if let loose and free to grow in the full sun.   These plants are summer loving heat tolerant plants and love the full Texas sun.  These perennial plants begin blooming in the spring and will reward you with beautiful blooms through the fall.


Tecoma 'Lydia', Esperanza

Tecoma ‘Lydia’

Plant with Salvia greggii, another wonderful tough Texas plant which come in a variety of colors, Mexican Bush Sage and Texas Sage for a low maintenance garden.   Esperanza are popular in the Austin, Bee Cave, Dripping Springs areas as they do not require a lot of care once established.  They maintain a heavy bloom cycle and are easily paired with plants from roses to cactus.   If you are looking for something to plant in your garden that is easy to care for, does well in the Texas heat and has a lot of color, Esperanza is the plant for you!

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