Peruvian Cereus- Full of Blooms and Fruit! Vivero Growers August 5, 2014

Peruvian Cereus- Full of Blooms and Fruit!

Cereus Peruvianus Night blooming cactus
Cereus Peruvianus

Peruvian Cereus

Here at Vivero Growers Nursery, the Peruvian Cereus are loaded with blooms and fruit right now!

They are also called Night Blooming Cactus as they bloom at night.

If you don’t get up early, you might miss the blooms so grab that cup of coffee and spend the morning on the patio and enjoy those blooms!   They are such unique additions to anyone’s collection and bonus they are drought tolerant.  They grow to be large columnar cactus and grow multiple columns as they mature.   Here in Austin Texas and the Dripping Springs area,  we recommend to keep them in a container so that you can protect them from the cold.  You can take them inside if that is easier or lay them over on their side.  Make sure and cover the entire plant (pot included).  Many choose to take indoors put it in the garage.  The above photo shows one that is loaded with blooms.

After the blooms expire, leave them on the cactus.   A fruit will form as the photo below shows.Peruvian Cereus fruit

The fruit on these is not particularly sweet.  It resembles a kiwi and has lots of little black seeds inside.  The texture is the similar to a kiwi as well.  You do not want to eat the rind- it is tough and not for eating.  I typically cut them in half and eat them with a spoon.  Customers have reported eating them with vanilla ice cream.  Will have to try that one out!  Have you tried one?

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