‘Bells of Fire’ Tecoma
The Tecoma ‘Bells of Fire’ is a tough showy plant that would be a great addition to most any garden, porch or landscape.
The ‘Bells of Fire’ is a dwarf version of the classic Tecoma aka Yellow Bells aka Esperanza.
The Tecoma do well in Austin landscapes and gardens as they can take the hot Texas heat well as well as the hot summers.
This particular variety of Tecoma is a show stopper. It boasts a burst of color and prolific blooming cycles. The orange blooms as vibrant and bright and add a pop of color to the landscape and garden. They perform well in pots as well as when planted in the ground. They are a perennial and will die back in the wintertime and in the spring will come back and bloom their little hearts out. The hummingbirds love the Tecoma ‘Bells of Fire’ as well for those of you that like to plant to attract the hummingbirds (which who doesn’t??).
The ‘Bells of Fire’ enjoy the full hot Texas sun but can take a bit of shade if need be. You can read more about them on the Southern Living Plants website, though I would like to note they state they are evergreen and here in Austin they would not be. Austin is a zone all it’s own I often say, so I always recommend to do your research and or ask questions before you plant.
If you like the compactness of this Tecoma and prefer the yellow blooms of the Esperanza, there is also a compact yellow variety available, the ‘Lydia’. I will feature that in our next post but it is a wonderful option as well. The Tecoma are a great choice for Austin gardens and landscapes and will be a favorite of the butterflies, bees and hummingbirds.