The Aloes are Blooming! Vivero Growers January 25, 2023

The Aloes are Blooming!

Aloe Bloom

The Aloes blooming!  The Aloes are blooming!  They are really showing off right now and I for one am loving it!  The Aloes have such unique and varied structures on their blooms, all equally impressive.  There are several types of Aloes, large and small, here we will look at a few of the larger ones.

The Aloes need cooler temperatures to bloom which is why you see them blooming in the winter months.  Here are a few that are blooming right now (in January, here in Austin, Texas).

Aloe ferox 'Tangerine'


The Aloe ferox is also called the Red Aloe or the Bitter Aloe.  Here we have the Aloe ferox ‘Tangerine’.   It has an impressive single-stemmed candelabra-shaped bloom.  The orange blooms open up to individual tubular flowers which attract the bees and the hummingbirds.  Here in Austin, you would want to keep these in containers so that you can protect them from freezing temperatures.   They have spines on the edges of the leaves so be careful!


The Aloe marlothii is a wonderful aloe with leaves that are covered in spines.   The photo below shows just how spiky they are!!  Handle with caution!

Aloe marlothii leaf covered in spines

The bloom spike on these is quite impressive as well.   The reddish-orange tubular blooms are striking!  We recommend keeping these in containers, as with all the Aloes here in Austin so that you can protect yourself from the freezing temperatures.

Aloe vaombeALOE VAOMBE

The Aloe vaombe, also called the Madagascar Tree Aloe, is another beautiful blooming aloe.  The blooms on this spike are slender red petal-like arching blooms and are a favorite of the bees.  It blooms a cluster of blooms on one spike and is exquisite.

If you are “on Tik Tok” we have a video on the different Aloes!

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