Vibrant Vines! Vivero Growers May 3, 2022

Vibrant Vines!

Star Jasmine Vine

Who doesn’t love vibrant vines? Plant vines to get color, pollinators as well as vertical coverage for your garden. There are so many beautiful flowering vines to choose from we thought we would point out a few of our favorites.

Mexican Flame Vine, Vines and GroundcoverMexican Flame Vine

Vines are wonderful assets to gardens and landscapes whether your ultimate goal is pollinators, screening or both. The Mexican Flame Vine is a vibrant orange which is sure to brighten up any area. Their bright orange flowers look like happy little suns and are favorites of the bees and butterflies. They are fast growing vines and need a trellis to attach to. The Star Jasmine is another fast-growing vine option. They have fragrant white blooms and are excellent choice for a denser thicker look.


Passion vinePassion Vine

The Passion Vine is a show stopping favorite of many. They have intricated unique blooms which the bees go nuts for. They are a host plant for the Gulf Fritillary butterfly. Do not be alarmed if one day you come out and most if not all your leaves are gone. No worries, it is just the caterpillars loading up before they turn into beautiful butterflies. The leaves will return in no time.

CrossvineThe Crossvine

The Crossvine is a beautiful Texas native vine with orange trumpet-shaped blooms. You can visit our post on the Crossvine.  We could not have a post about vines and not mention them.

Red MandevillaRed Mandevilla Vine

The Mandevilla is another option for a flowering vine. They are available in many colors- white, red and pink to name a few. They are a tropical vine here in Austin but will bloom like crazy until it freezes.

Butterfly VineButterfly Vine

Last but not least we have the Butterfly Vine. These vines have yellow blooms on that look like lace flowers all clustered together. The name mainly refers to the fact that the seed pods resemble butterflies.

Regardless of which flowering vine you plant, you are sure to attract bees, butterflies, and sometimes even hummingbirds!

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